Cover Version

I ended support for iTunes visualizer development in 2017.
This page is for historical reference only.

date version remark
20170606 2.1.8 Code changes for iTunes 12.6.1 on Mac.
20150504 2.1.7a Fixed crash on 64-bit iTunes on Windows.
20150406 2.1.7 Extra release for 64-bit iTunes on Windows.
20141019 2.1.7 Fixed typography layout on Mac for Yosemite.
20130901 2.1.6 Added support for Retina Mac display.
20130421 2.1.5 Fixed lyrics clipping.
20130420 2.1.4 Fixed issue with update notification.
20130418 2.1.3 Improved display of lyrics.
20121129 2.1.2 Fixed crash bug on start with iTunes 11.
20121111 2.1.1 Improved display of lyrics and minor bug fixes.
20120930 2.1 Introducing auto-scrolling lyrics.
20120716 2.0.2 Fixed keyboard event handling.
20120714 2.0.1 Minor bug fixes.
20120624 2.0 Compatible with iTunes 10.4 (64-bit visualizer API).
20100926 1.7.1 Bug fix for iTunes 10.
20100406 1.7 Added new effect Slide. Optional automatic update notification. Removed obsolete screen resolution settings.
20071105 1.6.1 Some minor bug fixes.
20071023 1.6 Added two new effects: Kaleidoscope and Vertigo.
20061205 1.5 Added support for display of lyrics.
20060918 1.2.2 Some bug fixes for iTunes 7.
20060419 1.2.1 Fixed bug that prevented track info text display on MacTel machines. Minor enhancements concerning placement rules.
20060319 1.2 Universal file format (MacTel and PowerPC). Advanced simulation model for flag effect. Minor bug fixes.
20051117 1.1 Maintenance release: Improved fullscreen display. Fade effects on change or pause of track. Other minor enhancements.
20050212 1.0 Initial release.